Kate Rozsa

My math tutoring and teaching began my junior year of high school when I was asked to tutor elementary children. My math teacher told me that she knew I would be a great math teacher one day. I didn’t believe her of course. She was right, my life seems to return to teaching math and I think I do a pretty good job of it. During my teaching career I have worked with a diverse student population; I have taught elementary school, high school, college, and university mathematics both in Europe and in the United States.
In 1988, I moved to Arizona where I met my husband. We were blessed with two beautiful children, each one as different as night and day, when it comes to their style of learning. One has difficulty focusing, ADHD style, while the other is truly gifted in math. I could not find a place that could help them both strengthen their math skills, so I developed All Around Math to meet their needs. I must have done the right thing, because many parents of young children come to All Around Math Learning Center. Word of mouth about our unique and affordable math-learning center is responsible for building the total math support we offer today.